We all have been taught that oxygen is life. One minute without oxygen can start damaging the brain cells, that is why the respiratory system doesn’t get because each and every cell in the body requires oxygen to survive. But for us the problem is not lack of oxygen in the air, it is the polluted oxygen that we inhale and the hundreds of toxins that we encounter daily, either through inhalation or ingestion. These toxins are harmful at the cellular level.
With the ever-increasing industrialization and deforestation, contamination of the air is increasing with more toxins and reduced oxygen, eliciting a surge in health problems.
Cellular respiration uses oxygen to convert glucose into cellular energy. With toxic and reduced oxygen, the cells cannot produce adequate energy which eventually would lead to cell death. This contaminated air is the culprit behind health conditions including dementia, heart diseases, breathing problems, liver diseases, diabetes, fragile bones, subfertility and child health.
When the contaminated air is inhaled, toxic particles not only damage the lungs, causing asthma, lung parenchymal damage, lung cancer, etc., but also enter the bloodstream from the alveoli to affect other organs and the vascular system. An inflammatory response is initiated by the body to fight the toxins leading to adversities. Blood vessels get weaken leading to ischemic events such as heart attack and stroke. The toxic blood, upon reaching the heart initiates a silent cascade of events which eventually weakens the heart’s capability to pump efficiently. Brain, when flooded with toxins, leads to dementia, sleep disturbances, reduced IQ, etc. Skin and bones are not spared either; skin becomes dull and starts to age before time and bones get brittle and fragile.
Liver has the responsibility of eliminating toxins from our body, but that too has a threshold, beyond which the toxins start to damage the liver and other abdominal and reproductive organs like pancreas, kidneys, bladder, intestines, gonads, uterus, ovaries, contributing towards diseases like diabetes, renal cancer, bladder cancer, Crohn’s disease, subfertility, menstrual irregularities, etc.
The placental blood which is meant to nourish the growing foetus is similarly affected by the pollutants, it leads to problems such as low birth weight, restricted growth and placenta insufficiency.
What can be done?
Solutions to some problems are easier than we think. Similarly, this problem also has a convenient solution. But, before moving on to the solution, the first step is to stop adding to the problem, i.e. to try and minimise our contribution towards air pollution.
But what about the already toxic air that we are breathing 24/7?
Here is where the oxygen supplements, like SynergyO2, come to the rescue.
Oxygen supplements compensate for the oxygen depletion in the body. These supplements dissociate the water molecules to form new endogenous pure oxygen which isn’t toxic, thereby helping in regeneration, cellular respiration and functions, hence health improvement. O2 supplements have been reported to be beneficial for immunity, fatigability, asthma, colon diseases, lung diseases, arthritis, diabetes, headaches, alertness, memory, myalgias (muscle pain), etc.
Having said that, air pollution has been correctly regarded as a public health emergency and a silent killer by the WHO. Polluted air can cause greater harm than tobacco smoking, but it remains unidentified. According to a report in 2014 by The World Health Organisation (WHO), 3.7 million premature deaths were attributable to atmospheric pollution, therefore there is a dire need to find solutions for a healthy life.
Therefore, there is a dire need for understanding the harm and fighting against it.
Carrington, D. (2019, May 17). air pollution may be damaging ‘every organ in the body. Retrieved from The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2019/may/17/air-pollution-may-be-damaging-every-organ-and-cell-in-the-body-finds-global-review
Dario Boschiero, L. C. (2012, 10 06). Importance of adequate tissue oxygenation Cellular Anergy vs. Cellular Energy – Melcalin O2. Retrieved from Melcalin: https://melcalin.com/importance-of-adequate-tissue-oxygenation-cellular-anergy-vs-cellular-energy-melcalin-o2/
- Potter, J. H. (n.d.). The importance of cellular oxygenation. Retrieved from Meta Cell, University of Oxford: https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:42c9e7f1-5e72-4b02-81e9-d4a9a2a1bd0a/download_file?file_format=pdf&safe_filename=Potter%2Bet%2Bal%2BCellular%2Boxygenation.pdf&type_of_work=Conference+item