After many decades of the western medical approach, where drugs and medications are prescribed – often leaving unpleasant side-effects – people are now looking at a more natural approach to healing, and with naturopathic clinics in most Australian cities, this is a reflection of their success.
Here are just a few of the medical conditions that can be treated by a qualified naturopath.
- Respiratory issues – Those who suffer from asthma, bronchitis and other lung conditions can greatly benefit from a few sessions with a naturopath, who takes a holistic approach to any health issue. Western medicine tends to focus on the condition and alleviating the symptoms, while a naturopath would take a complete look at the person, taking into account their medical history, diet and lifestyle. If you get online and make an initial appointment to see a specialist at the Melbourne Naturopath Clinic, the specialist can begin to gain a deeper understanding of you, and then it is possible to identify root causes of medical conditions; which are often in areas you would never think would be connected to the condition.
- Digestive complaints – Ulcers, gastritis, stomach cancer, Chron’s disease, repeated indigestion and constipation. It could be caused by your diet, for example, and by abstaining from certain foods, or eating others can often see the problem vanish.
- Nervous system – The nervous system is very complex and the naturopath often treats stroke victims, showing them specific exercises that aid recovery, which usually occurs over a period of time. Brain tumors can be detected, while migraine headaches are also treated. Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease can all be treated using holistic and natural methods.
- Musculoskeletal Conditions – MG, gout, sciatica, rheumatism, bruising and general aches and pains are all treatable with naturopathic methods. Of course, there are no guarantees that the naturopath can do anything for you and prior to determining that, the specialist needs to collect a lot of personal data on the patient. After a review, they might suggest suitable treatments and give dietary or exercise advice – often a change of diet has a positive impact on a health issue – and if the specialist thinks they can help you, a series of sessions will be booked.
- Lymphatic system – There are a few conditions that a naturopath can relieve, including glandular fever, HIV and CFS, and as with other areas of health, the specialist needs to know your background and previous medical history, which is very relevant and might hold a clue as to what is causing the problem.
The naturopath can really help people recover from a stroke, and when post-op treatment is required, the naturopath is the best person to oversee this. If you have never before considered taking a natural perspective to a health issue, you might be pleasantly surprised to learn that many problems can be effectively treated without the use of drugs, and in some cases, this treatment can be combined with regular western medicine.
If you think a naturopath might be able to help you, Google will help you locate a nearby clinic and you can book an initial appointment.