According to several new studies that are done on animals especially mammals it is proved that the non-pathogenic strains that are of the C. acnes bacteria are very beneficial for the skin as it improves the skin reaction against the bacteria that is causing it and that one is called as Staphylococcus aureus. A number of dermatologists second this.
This report appeared in the Microbiology Spectrum of the American Society for Microbiology. The author of the study named Ayano Tsuru said that “It is very much likely that C. acnes maintains skin health by inhibiting common pathogens like S. aureus from invading skin tissue.” This time we did not use mammals, we used a nematode that has similar functions and body systems as a human being like the nervous system, digestive system, and skin surface even.
This was a joint study conducted between Okayama University and Osaka University. The researchers made use of the C. Elegans in order to know about the biological impacts that have been made on human skin by deriving several strains of C. acnes. By looking at the results the scientists concluded that the ribotype that was 4 and 8 that are found in the people with acne made the lifespan of the nematode short and the other ribotype RT6 did not impact the life span as the 4 and 8 did.
For further clarification and study, another investigation was being done. In this one, the healthy strains of C. acnes on the skin of the nematode just to check the vulnerability of the nematode to the S. aureus. The results were astonishing as they showed that the nematode lived longer when it was infected with the pathogen. The survival period resulted to be longer.
The analysis of the RNA sequencing also revealed that the strains of C. acnes on healthy skin turned on a group of genes that boosts immunity and awakens the defense mechanisms of the skin. This study has revealed that there are beneficial advantages of the acne bacteria that have always had a very bad image in the eyes of people.
What Actually Causes Acne?
Acne can be a pimple that is of white or dark color and is known as a blackhead or a whitehead. But the main meaning of acne is not very important as to how much it is important to know how it is formed and what causes it.
Acne usually comes on the surface of the skin due to the production of excess oil on the face. This oil is then found getting stuck in the pores of the skin where it clothes them and causes a big pimple to form. There are follicles present on your skin and there are chances that they produce too much oil which is not needed or there are dead skin cells that can get collected in your pores. It is also a possibility that there is an accumulation of the bacteria seen in your skin pores.
Other risk factors that can cause acne later in life include hormonal imbalance. This has a great impact on the production of acne as this can happen at the time of puberty or at the time of pregnancy when a woman is expecting. There also are certain kinds of medications that are available in the market that can cause extreme acne without even having a realization. Genes also do play a major role, if anyone in the family has had severe acne it is very much likely that the children of the house or the generation next to parents will be having acne issues.
It is actually very easy to get it treated, there are a number of OTCs available for ease. Some of the home remedies have also been very helpful in the treatment of acne. But to know the reason and then to find the suitable treatment is the real deal.
Acne is real and there are a number of misconceptions related to it. The bacteria that has always been looked down upon has been the one that is essential for the better treatment of acne and in keeping the skiing healthy overall.