Table of Contents
Tooth Sensitivity
Have you ever experienced a sensation of pain while eating or drinking something very hot or cold? It could be a sign that you suffer from tooth sensitivity. It occurs when your teeth develop a condition that makes the nerves in your teeth overreact to external stimuli. It develops when the outer parts of your tooth wear off, thus exposing the sensitive parts of your inner tooth. The sensitivity develops a way for your body to communicate that your teeth need attention. It means that your teeth may be weakening and may need treatment to keep them healthy. When you start developing tooth sensitivity, visit a doctor to provide a solution early before it becomes worse. If you ignore the symptoms, you can end up creating a complex condition such as gingivitis and jaw bone infection that may cost you time, money and mental health. You can get access to cosmetic dentistry in Torrance at an affordable rate.
Brushing Too Hard
When you brush your teeth, you should apply mild pressure on your teeth to remove food particles. Hard brushing causes the enamel to wear off faster and also injures your gums. When the enamel wears off, the internal parts of your teeth become exposed and cause sensitivity. You can also get infections on your gums that may develop complex conditions such as gingivitis.
Gum Recession
When you suffer from infection on your gums, it causes a condition called gingivitis. When gingivitis develops, the bacteria eats on your gums and causes it to expose the base of your teeth. It also starts acting on the hard enamel that protects the internal parts of your teeth. When the infection develops, it gets to the dentin and affects your tooth and jaw bone. This condition is known as periodontal disease and may require a surgical procedure to treat. When the dentin is exposed, the nerves on your teeth become exposed and can cause excruciating pain due to exposure to temperature changes. A simple action such as opening your mouth, and feeling the cold from outside causes untold suffering. Visit a doctor when a gum recession occurs for immediate treatment.
Cracked Teeth
You may suffer an accident that may cause your tooth to crack. When your tooth cracks, it exposes the internal parts of your teeth that have nerve endings. The nerve ending is sensitive to stimuli and responds to cold or hot food by causing immense pain. Food particles accumulate on the open parts of the internal tooth and attract bacteria that acts on the tooth, causing an infection. If you do not treat it fast; the infection spreads to the whole tooth and can cause severe oral health complications.
Check the Mouthwash You Use
Certain types of mouthwash have acidic properties that erode the outer part of the tooth, exposing the dentin. Exposed dentin means that nerve ending sense heat and cold temperature changes that cause pain. You should check the mouthwash you use to avoid those with acidic properties.
Dental Procedures
When you undergo a dental procedure such as tooth cleaning, it may involve scraping off food particles, plaque, and tartar on the external layer of your tooth. The cleaning process may not only get rid of the food particles, but it may also touch the enamel. You may experience sensitivity because the tooth was used to the added layer for tooth protection. Use an expert for such procedures to avoid scraping off your enamel and causing permanent tooth sensitivity.