Sadness is a feeling that everyone experiences, and is a normal reaction to difficult times of life that passes after a period of time. However, when a person is depressed, it affects his or her normal functioning. Depressive disorder is not a sign that the person is weak or uncharacteristic; it is simply a condition that needs treatment. One quarter of the world’s population suffers from it at some point in life according to Bayridge Counselling Centres.
The disease of sadness
According to the classification of the US National Institute of Mental Health, sadness is only a small part of depression, and some people with depression may not experience sadness at all. Depression has many other symptoms, including physical. A person suffers from depression if any of the following symptoms persists for more than 2 weeks – constant sadness, anxiety or feeling of emptiness, feeling of hopelessness, pessimism, guilt, helplessness, lack of self-importance, loss of interest in the pleasures of life, to practicing your favorite hobbies, energy loss, easy fatigue, a sense of lack of speed, difficult concentration, reduced memory, difficulty in making decisions. Symptoms can be accompanied by difficulty falling asleep, early morning waking and somnolence, increased appetite, and changes in weight, irritability, anxiety and thoughts of suicide.
What Unlocks Depression
Many factors can trigger depression, but the most common are the loss of a loved one or friend, difficult relationships, difficult childhood experiences, or some stressful situation.
Depression can be unlocked at any age, but usually starts in the teens or early 20s or 30s. Most chronic disorders that affect adults start with increased anxiety in childhood.
Depression can recur, accompanied by serious illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease or Parkinson’s disease, and it can worsen these illnesses as well as them. Sometimes medicines for these diseases can cause side effects that exacerbate depression.
Every depression is different
Not everyone with depression displays every symptom of it. The severity and frequency of the symptoms, as well as their duration, depend on the individual and their specific diseases, and the symptoms may vary depending on the stage of the disease.
Depression is more common in women than in men because of biological, life, hormonal and psychosocial factors.
Depressed women do not show all the symptoms of the disease, but women with depression generally express symptoms such as sadness, guilt and lack of self-importance.
For example, women are extremely vulnerable and susceptible to depression after childbirth, when hormonal and physical changes and new responsibilities for the care and responsibility of the newborn may prove excessive.
Men experience depression differently than women. Depression is usually associated with fatigue, irritability, loss of interest in favorite activities and sleep disorders. Men can focus on alcohol and drug abuse when depressed. They can be frustrated, discouraged, irritable, angry and sometimes prone to violence. Some men may devote themselves entirely to their work so that they do not talk about the depression they are experiencing, with their family and friends, or behave in a casual manner.
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