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Recurrent Pregnancy Treatment

Pregnancy Treatment

Millions of women have a miscarriage at some point in their life. In fact, it is estimated that up to 60 percent of all pregnancies do not go beyond the first 12 weeks of gestation. But some women can experience more than one pregnancy loss consecutively. This is what is known as recurrent pregnancy loss or recurrent miscarriage. Having one pregnancy loss can be devastating, but having one miscarriage after another can be quite traumatic. Therefore, if you have had more than one pregnancy loss, it is imperative for you to seek the assistance of a recurrent miscarriage specialist such as Daniel Roshan MD of Rosh Maternal & Fetal Medicine. Below are some of the treatments that you can expect.


Uterine problems such as scar tissues, some fibroids, and a septate uterus are some of the leading causes of miscarriage. If you are diagnosed with one of these issues, your doctor may choose to fix it through surgery. In some cases, correcting the shape of the uterus can significantly lower the chances of miscarriage. In this procedure, the doctor can insert a hysteroscope, a tiny device with a camera, through the birth canal to repair the interior of the uterus. This, in most cases, is a one-day procedure, but recovery can take a few days or a week.


Blood-Thinning Medication

In some women, recurrent miscarriage may be resulting from thrombophilia (clotting) or autoimmune problems. In such cases, they may be treated with heparin or low-dose aspirin. These medications can be used during pregnancy to minimize the risk of pregnancy loss. However, if used incorrectly, the drugs can result in serious excessive bleeding problems, including stomach ulcers. Therefore, it is imperative for you to talk to your healthcare provider before deciding to take any blood-thinning medication.

Correcting Other Medical Conditions

Recurrent miscarriage could be resulting from other related medical problems such as abnormal levels of sugar in the blood, under-activity or over-activity of thyroid glands, and even abnormally high levels of prolactin. By treating these conditions, your doctor can help you to lower the chances of recurrent pregnancy loss significantly and consequently enhance your chances of carrying a pregnancy to term.

Genetic Screening

About 5 percent of pregnancy loss issues can be attributed to translocation in the parent’s chromosomes. If one of the parents has this issue, the fetus will probably have chromosome imbalances leading to a miscarriage. Genetic screening can help a couple know if they have such an issue. If the results are positive, the doctor may recommend genetic counseling. While it is possible for such couples to eventually have children naturally, they can go for fertility treatments such as IVF.

The Takeaway

Overall, it is apparent that recurrent miscarriage is quite a prevalent issue among women. Luckily it is an issue that can be treated. If you are looking for a reliable recurrent miscarriage specialist in Manhattan, NY, Daniel Roshan is an excellent pick. Feel free to contact Rosh Maternal & Fetal Medicine today for more information about recurrent miscarriage treatment.

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