Just because you are old and a pensioner, does not mean that your sex life should rest in peace. People wrongly assume that senior citizens have no sexual needs.
On the contrary, old is the prime of the life, when people are done with their responsibilities otherwise. No jobs to go to, since most are retired, no kids to put through college, no midlife crisis to distract yourself with.
With old age also comes experience, not only in terms of sex, but also, with life. You are mature in your ways, there is the pleasant lack of drama, all stake holders are settled people who just want to have fun.
However, there that does not mean sex for the seniors is without obstacles. Aging body poses a lot for challenges for men, chiefly, erectile dysfunction, but nothing the Best Sexologist in Lahore cannot help you with.
Women also have similar problems, including vaginal dryness, low libido, uterine prolapse, amongst others.
These can then certainly make having sex rather challenging, however, there are ways to tackle this issue as well. Following are some tips how:
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Rethink Sex
You are not a teenager, and a quick romp in the backside of the car is certainly not possible, on the contrary, will crash your back. Therefore, it is important that you change your perspective of sex.
Rather than reminiscing about sex in the youth, rekindle fondness for sex at old age. Moreover, according to research as well, older people have greater awareness of the fact that sex is not just merely intercourse, but the entire journey leading up to it is also important.
Therefore, experiment. Think, foreplay.
Safe Sex is Still Important
Just because you do not have the fear of unwanted or unplanned pregnancy, does not mean that you stop taking precautions. You must still use condoms to protect against sexually transmitted diseases, when you or your partner are not in a monogamous relationship.
Be Impulsive, Often
Too much overthinking is not going to get you anywhere. A little spontaneity is good for the mind and the body.
So, instead for waiting for the candles and flowers, and the mood to strike, simply get on with sex. If you wait for desire every time, you might not be able to have sex very often, and thus, cannot reap its benefits.
Sex leads to the release of good hormones in the body, that then help with sleep and calmness. For women, the benefits are even more pronounced.
Due to changes in the hormones at old age, vaginal dryness becomes an issue, which naturally makes having sex painful. On the other hand, having sex often promotes lubrication and natural elasticity, thereby makes having sex not a source of pain, but rather, pleasure.
Intimacy is Important
Sex involves your mind, body and the brain. While we often cater to the brain and the physical end of the things, but we often forget to involve our minds for a holistic experience.
Therefore, you should take steps to be intimate in ways that cater to your emotional health as well. It’s not just the overtly sexual gestures that turn on your mind, but intimacy otherwise is important as well.
So, go on dates. Hold hands. Cuddle. Spend quality time with each other. Do couple’s activities together. Partake in chores together. Promote mutual comfort. Help each other around the house. These things promote a level of intimacy, that helps in igniting sexual chemistry then.
Seek Help
Perhaps due to the element of shyness or even embarrassment, people are hesitant to talk about issues that may be affecting their sex life. They then suffer in vain.
If you are struggling with issues pertaining to sexual health or sex life for that matter, you must enlist the help of the Best Sexologist in Islamabad, or women can also consult their gynecologists as well.