Hypertrophy is the process in which we break down muscle cells and let them repair so they become stronger. This process is done by weightlifting and promoting active recovery through rest and nutrition. When you work out, you need to test yourself by lifting to your best ability to achieve hypertrophy.
How To Increase Your Muscle Size Affectively
To grow your muscle mass by lifting weights, you need to tear your muscle tissue by performing reps to failure (also called metabolic failure). While performing heavy weightlifting, the actin and myosin proteins in the muscles must contract and generate force to counteract the resistance endured by the weight.
As a result, this can lead to structural damage of the muscle tissue and its fibers. Mechanical damage to the actin and myosin proteins in the muscles initiates an impulse in the body to repair the damaged tissue. By actively repairing this muscle tissue with rest, enzymes and other different forms of protein, this will cause an increase in muscle size.
Adenosine Triphosphate, also known as ATP, is an energy supply in our cells that allows our muscles to contract while working out. When we use all of this energy supply while exercising, we create mechanical fatigue in our muscle fibers. Once all our energy has been exerted during muscular contraction, this is what leads to muscle gain.
How Do You Achieve Hypertrophy
Hypertrophy is said to be achieved best by lifting the heaviest weight you can over 8-12 repetitions of a given exercise. The last two repetitions in each set being the most important for breaking down the muscle tissue, which is most important for gaining muscle.
The concentric phase of an exercise is when the movement is performed (or contracting). During this phase, the performed movement should be quick and sudden while lifting the weight. This is the best way to get results when testing the muscle fibers. The relaxing phase of an exercise is called the eccentric phase. This is when the movement performed is returned to its original starting point. This should be done slowly to trick the fibers and perform the concentric phase correctly again. The eccentric phase is also conducted slowly to avoid injury.
Tips To Help Build Muscle During Your Workout
- Work With A Personal Trainer – By working with a trainer, they will know the correct exercises and calculate the precise weight you should be lifting in order achieve hypertrophy. Also, having a person spot you during exercise is a key factor for improving your weightlifting performance. When those final reps get hard to push, your trainer can assist you with being able to execute those final repetitions that matter.
- Rest Between Sets – You need to replenish ATP in order to lift to your best ability. ATP generates during the resting phase and is needed to lift the adequate weight to build muscle. Allow 60-90 seconds between each set to regenerate your energy levels to their original state.
- Use Variations In Your Fitness Program – Make sure that you aren’t performing the same exercises in your fitness program every time you visit the gym. By targeting the same muscle fibers, use different variations of exercises. This tricks the muscle fibers and breaks them down more effectively, before rebuilding and gaining muscle growth.
- Use Variations In Your Diet Program – Make sure to eat plenty of different proteins and amino acids in your diet. By getting different proteins in your diet, your body repairs better before performing your next workout. By eating the same food all the time, your muscles cells get used to these nutrients, and this can slow the muscle growth process. Make sure to include many different foods in your program.
I hope that you can use some of these tips when engaging in a muscle growth program at the gym. The exercise specialists at London Fitness In Home Personal Training brought the source of this fitness information to you. If you have any further questions about hypertrophy, please visit their website and ask more questions.