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Treatment For Alopecia


Hair growth occurs in 3 phases. The first phase is called anagen or the growth phase and it takes 2-6 years. The second phase which takes about 3 weeks is called the intermediate phase, or catagen. The third phase takes about 3 months and is called the falling phase.

Alopecia occurs when the anagen phase of hair growth becomes shortened and the intermediate phase is prolonged. It is normal to lose 50 hairs per day but if the amount of falling hair exceeds 100 per day, treatment should be sought. A hair loss specialist in Lakewood Ranch can determine the cause of your hair loss and help you restore it.

What to Expect Following Hair loss?

It is important to consult a qualified hair specialist so as to get the best outcome after treatment. There are many possible outcomes of hair restoration treatment based on the form of treatment given and the doctor’s expertise.

Possible outcomes after hair loss include; the hair can grow back sometimes without treatment while in other cases hair only re-grows following treatment. Sometimes the hair may fall out again, necessitating further treatment.

Some people experience hair loss more than once in their lifetime before it grows again. The chances of hair growing back without treatment are low if the hair loss was widespread. The hair that grows after hair loss may take some time before getting back to its original texture and color.

The duration of hair loss varies from person to person. Seeing that you may not be able to predict if your hair will grow back by itself, I suggest that you see a doctor early on. Dealing with hair loss can drain you emotionally and this is unhealthy. Stress is a risk factor for more hair loss.

Hair loss can progress in people with a family history of hair loss and those whose hair loss started in childhood.

How Is Alopecia Treated?

The doctor will first take your medical history and do a physical examination followed by some laboratory tests. Different hair restoration methods may be used so as to ensure that you get a desirable outcome.

Treatment modalities for Alopecia include:


Hair loss is not a life sentence. You can choose to get treatment instead of struggling with baldness.

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