When you look at the market, you can find many different types of healthy food products that are available today. You can consider adding walnuts to your daily diet because these walnuts are very nutritious. They contain a high amount of minerals and vitamins that are good for your body. In this article, we will discuss some benefits of walnuts.
You can consume these walnuts regularly, so you can improve your overall health significantly. But you should also consider the side effects of eating walnuts before eating them. Many experts recommend the consumption of walnuts because they contain a high amount of nutrients that are good for your body. Here are some benefits that are offered by these walnuts.
Rich in antioxidants
This is the first reason walnuts are good for your body. Walnuts contain higher antioxidant activity than other common nuts. Walnuts contain a high amount of melatonin, vitamin E, and some essential plant compounds called polyphenols. Eating walnuts regularly can reduce the development of bad LDL cholesterol levels in your body. These antioxidants from walnuts are very effective to fight against oxidative damages in your body.
Contain a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids
Walnuts are recommended for all customers because they contain a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Most walnuts can provide up to 2.5 grams per 28 grams of serving. These omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts are commonly called as the alpha-linolenic acids (ALA). Many experts recommend the consumption of these omega-3 fatty acids because these compounds are good to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Can reduce inflammation
This is another benefit that you can get by consuming walnuts regularly. Walnuts contain a high amount of polyphenols that can fight against oxidative stress and also inflammation problems. There are a few amounts of ellagitannins that are good for your gut. These compounds are very effective to protect your digestive system from inflammation. Preventing inflammation is very effective to help you reduce the risk of getting any chronic diseases.
Can reduce the risk of cancer
When you consume walnuts regularly, you will be able to reduce the risk of getting cancers, such as breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers. Walnuts contain a high amount of polyphenols ellagitannins. Some microbes in your gut will convert these compounds into urolithins. These urolithins have anti-inflammatory properties in your digestive system, so you can protect your digestive system from colorectal cancer.
Good for controlling your weight
Eating walnuts can be very effective in helping you control your appetite. After a few days of consuming walnuts, our brain will be able to resist any tempting food cues, for example, French fries or cakes. Walnuts contain a high amount of fiber in their bodies, so your body will never be able to absorb all of the calories from walnuts. Therefore, walnuts are very effective to help you control your hunger and appetite level.
Many other health benefits are offered by walnuts. You will be able to find walnuts in any grocery stores that are available around you.