Growing a cannabis garden can be a great hobby and a highly rewarding experience. But like any other strenuous engagement, it has procedures and challenges from the time you plant seeds to when you harvest the leaves for consumption. Some people ask themselves why they can’t just plant their seeds directly in the final pot. The quick answer is: an efficient transplanting routine will allow your plants to grow faster, especially in the vegetative state.
It’s advisable to start small right from the time you search for a marijuana dispensary near me, buy your seeds, and plant them. Once you master the cycle, the process will be a lot easier.
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Why You Need To Transplant Cannabis Plants
Transplanting is the transferring of sprouted seedlings from one growth medium to another to enhance their growth. This process may seem tedious and unnecessary, but there are various reasons why cannabis growers do it. They include;
Preventing the plants from getting root-bound
A plant gets root-bound when its roots outgrow the container it’s growing in. The roots of such plants grow around the edges of the container. The problem with these plants is that they’ll start wilting, turning red, and stunting because they lack nutrients, and their stems are growing slowly. The ultimate result is that they’ll eventually die.
Enhancing growth
Transplanting is one of the ways of encouraging cannabis plants to grow further. Their new containers are usually larger in size and offer more room for expansion. These containers also support the plant growth stages, such as flowering. You can find larger containers in a nearby pot shop.
Preventing Root Rot
Transplanting helps to reduce the risks or root rot that may occur when you plant your seeds directly in the final growth medium. Because these seedlings develop fragile roots, they may fail to absorb moisture and expand, thus rotting.
How To Know That Your Cannabis Plants Are Ready For Transplanting
Rapidly Growing Leaves
If you notice that your plant’s leaves are developing faster, it’s time to transplant them. You may see about four to five healthy leaves on the seedling.
Visible Root Growth
If you see your plants’ roots reaching the edges or penetrating the bottom of their growth vessel, transplant them. If you leave them on the vessel, they’ll go over the edges and get root-bound. You don’t want this to happen to your plants because it’ll result in stunted growth.
Strong Stems
Touching the cannabis stem can help you know whether the plant is ready for transplanting or not. If it’s weak, then it isn’t time to transplant them. But if it’s stronger and sturdier, transplant it to the next medium.
The Most Common Stages Of Transplanting
There are two most common stages of transplanting cannabis plants, including the germination and the vegetative stage. During the germination stage, the plants are transplanted to grow stronger, while in the vegetative stage, they’re transplanted to prepare them for flowering.
The Bottom Line
Growing your own cannabis can be a thrilling experience if you know how to transplant the seedlings. Fortunately, you can buy your seedlings from a local or online pot shop. With some effort and discipline, you’ll get the best results from transplanting your plants.