As your parents grow older, it’s natural for you to worry about how they will get along from day to day. This is particularly true as they become feebler and more dreamy, as they’re more vulnerable to accidents and injuries. It becomes more apparent that they need primary care specialists.
Now as a responsible son or daughter you may want to take care of the problem yourself, but often this isn’t practical or even possible.
So what should you do to make sure that your aged mom or dad gets the aging care they need?
Traditionally, the solution to this situation is for your aging loved one to go to a nursing home. But more and more people are now opting for in-home nursing care instead. More people have recognized that there are more advantages to home care than to have aging parents live in a nursing home.
Here are some thoughts why:
- You can also be sure that a home caregiver will give your parents the one-on-one concentration they need. The focus of the caregiver will perpetually be on your parent. That’s often not true in nursing homes, where in general the elders outnumber the caregivers. So they may have to “wait their turn” for the inspection of the aides.
- Your parents will also feel more relaxed staying at home than moving to a nursing home. A nursing simply doesn’t feel “right”, no matter how homey the wellness aides there try to enhance or decorate the place. There’s simply no relief for the comfort of a favorite couch or the view from a beloved corner of the house. bloodborne pathogens training Besides, relocating can be extremely stressful. With in-house nursing care, your parents retain these familiar comforts.
- Seniors who stay at home tend to live longer than those who live in nursing homes, and studies have verified this fact. Also, those who stay at home manage to be physically and mentally more youthful compared to the residents of nursing homes.
- Home health care also improves the healing process. Research studies have shown that patients can recover and heal faster and much more satisfied when they’re at home, compared to staying in a hospital or a nursing home. There’s also less chance of needing the services of the hospital again when their healing process is at home.
- Home health aides can also customize their services and consideration to the needs of your aging parents. So they can tailor what they can do, such as if your parents are grieving from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. This is in stark difference to the generic “one size fits all” method that most caregivers give in nursing homes. With home care, you’re informed of the fact that not all seniors need the same kind of attention and care.
- It may turn out that a nursing home is too much more expensive than home care, even if you ask for as much as 8 hours a day of support. That’s because nursing homes allow live-in facilities, and they may have other specialized equipment that can be used for old care. But it may mean that you’re paying for equipment and assistance that your parents don’t need.
- With a home caregiver, parents can also enjoy the freedom and liberation that they’re unwilling to give up. They can set the practices and they can even go out when they want to visit friends & beloved members and socialize. But in nursing homes, this may not be possible. Many nursing homes have conditional rules. And you may even have to visit your parents only at specific times. At your parents’ home, you can visit any time you want. And they can be handled by their caregivers to the supermarket or the homes of their friends.
- At home, your parents also relish the meals that they like. Nursing homes may provide food for large numbers of people, and in some days the food may not be to your parent’s liking. You can also assure that the food your parents eat is suitably prepared, tasty, and nutritious.
So before you try to convince your old parents to move to a home, reevaluate your options. It may turn out that in-home nursing care may be the most suitable choice for you and your parents.